Konec revije MAD

Vesolje superjunakov, svet brez superjunakov in prostor za ostale zadevščine ameriške produkcije.

Moderatorji: TomDarjangCortoMiokeRuki

Prispevkov: 7103
Pridružen: 21.01.2005 19:19:44
Kraj: 1000 Ljubljana

Konec revije MAD

Odgovor Napisal/-a BuDi »

Po 67 letih se poslavlja ena od revij z najmočnejšim vplivom in odrazom kulture od 1952 naprej. Verjetno brez nje tudi določene slovenske kritične revije aktualne generacije ne bi bile take kot so bile vsaj v določenem obdobju.
MAD Magazine, the irreverent and highly influential satirical magazine that gave the world Alfred E. Neuman, will effectively cease publication some
time later this year after 67 years.

After issue 9, MAD will no longer be sold on newsstands and will only be available through comic book shops as well as mailed to subscribers. After issue 10, there will no longer be new content in subsequent issues save for the end-of-year specials (those will be all-new). Beginning with issue 11, the magazine will only feature previously published content — classic and best-of nostalgic fare — from its massive fault of the past 67 years. DC, however, will also continue to publish MAD books and special collections.

If ever there were a publication that has defined generation after generation since 1952; openly mocked a society, viciously jabbed at the establishment, and trod with angry shoes on ‘The Man’, MAD magazine definitely wasn’t it. Ha, just kidding! You see I was using reverse ridiculing there, much akin to MAD Magazine itself.






še nekaj stripov iz revije MAD: https://comicrazys.wordpress.com/2011/0 ... on-martin/
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